Meant for More

Meant for more

Recently I went through a season where I just felt stuck.

Nothing particularly bad, but nothing particularly good either.

Like the world was still going but life kinda felt like it was put on pause.

And I’m questioning God, 

“Is this it?”

“Is this all you had planned for me?”

“Were all those promises you made to me true?”

“Did I do something wrong?”

The truth is I’m still in that place, knowing you’re meant for more, but feeling like less.

Having all of these big dreams about what God might have in store for you but not seeing them come to pass. 

Not seeing the results you’d hoped to see by now.

And feeling like what you do doesn’t matter.

Like what you do won’t make a difference.

Feeling like you’re just going through the motions: day by day, month by month, even year by year(for some of us) without seeing any growth, without seeing any change.

Feeling frustrated with where you are but not knowing how to move forward or do any better.

Have you ever felt like that? 

Or still feel like that?

Like you’re meant for more? 

To be doing more?

To be saying more? 

To be experiencing more?

Feeling like you’re doing just the bare minimum, like you’re just “good enough”?

The truth is that, God hasn’t called us to be “just good enough” or sink into the fallacies of mediocrity. 

He’s actually created us to live a life that is far greater than anything we could ever imagine.

To live a life for a purpose that’s far greater than ourselves. 

John 14:12 says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.”

Now, I’ve read this verse many times, each time the idea seemed more far fetched than the other.

How could I, me, this guy, even be in the same sentence as Jesus.

The greatest man to ever live.

The man who healed the sick, walked on water, turned water into wine, fed five thousand with only 5 loaves and 2 fish, raised the dead, died a gruesome death and was resurrected to save the world. 

Some CV. 

How could we even come close to that greatness? 

Much less to exceed it? 

Maybe I was reading the verse wrongly, or maybe it was written wrongly, after all I doubt autocorrect existed back then.

I realised the problem wasn’t the verse, but the context I was reading it in. 

If you’re looking to be greater than Jesus, then let me just stop you right there my friend.  

It’s not possible nor should it be our intention. 

Yes, He has called us to live a greater life and to do extraordinary things. 

But with Him. That’s the key!

On His ascent to heaven, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of us and to act as our advocate.

Jesus released a power in us that allows us to live a greater life, not one that’s just “good enough”.

He isn’t calling us to be greater “than” Him but rather to be greater “in” Him.

Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

This verse highlights the fact that we are indeed destined for greatness.

But this can only be truly achieved by allowing Christ to live inside of us so our full potential can be unlocked. 

We are meant for more.

We are so much better than we think we are, because God is so much greater than we give Him credit for. 

We just need to learn to allow Him to do that same great work in and through us! 

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